Another documentary about religion, particularly Christianity this time

I watched this film months ago; I also read the book a while ago because the film covered only a surface of a whole story.
The book was written by a journalist, Lee Strobel, who used to be an atheist and became a christian after a long investigation to seek the truth about Christ. It was well written, easy to follow, very articulate. I personally liked the fact that he did his research very logically. Since I'm a very logical and scientific person, his approach is something that I'd follow, except one thing. His interviewees are all from christian academics, such as professors from christian colleges or seminaries. No interviews were conducted with non-christians. He could have made a stronger case if he interviewed someone outside of a christian circle. That was a huge disappointment to me...
At the end, it is a good read, but I must say, this story is still one-sided. Anyone who is interested in Christianity should read the opposing side of the argument to reach own verdict...