went to the annual "Founders Festival" in downtown Farmington It was unseasonably cold (cool?) and people were wearing long sleeves! Where is summer gone??
Description: "The Stoning of Soraya M" tells the story of what happened to Soraya a kind, spirited woman whose bad marriage leads her cruel, divorce-seeking husband to conspire against her, trumping up charges of infidelity, which carry an unimaginable penalty. Moving through a minefield of scheming, lies and deceit, Soraya and Zahra will attempt to prove Soraya's innocence in a legal system stacked against her. But when all else fails, Zahra will risk everything to use the sole weapon she has left - the fearless, passionate voice that can share Soraya's story with a shocked world.
When my friend invited me to see this film, I was not sure if I wanted to go. I read the reviews and it describes that maybe the director overdid the stoning scene. I knew myself that I couldn't bear watching anyone being stoned (just imagining it makes me sick...), so I debated whether or not to go. After all, I went because I also knew this was a very significant film. And I hope everyone feels the same way as I do. What happened in Iran in 1986 is so wrong, indescribable, unbearable. It should have never happened and it should not happen again ever. Everyone should acknowledge that. The villagers who stoned really thought that they followed their god, their religion. But what kind of god will allow to execute anyone by stoning? They must know it is not a true god then... The performance of the actress, Shohreh Aghdashloo, plays "Zahra", who is the center of morality in this film, is really superb
Just started taking some "zumba" fitness classes at nearby community center Girlfriend of mine in Japan was taking it and told me about it and I was curious... and I really needed to exercise! (low energy due to a lack of exercise...) So far, I like it. I like the music, I like they use dance steps, it's fun! Though I wish it to be more vigorous...
アメリカの食品業界に関するドキュメンタリ映画、 FOOD, INC.を観てきました。 今までこの業界に関するドキュメンタリをいろいろ見てきましたが、 (The World according to MonsantoやThe Future of Foodなど) 今回のドキュメンタリは、1つの問題に注目したものではなく、 幅広く全ての分野をカバーしたドキュメンタリ。 なので1つ1つについての奥深い追求はないのですが、 イントロとして大まかにアメリカの食品業界についての 理解を得ることが出来る作品として、お薦めの映画。