I just saw the movie, Angels and Demons, and I enjoyed it very much despite of a bad review on this movie by critics. Many said this was better than the Da Vinci Code because it's fast pace. Yes, it was an exciting movie.
Science and religion have been my interest from a long time ago. Seems they do not go together and almost impossible to believe in both
The story was very interesting, but what caught my attention in the movie was the conversation between Langdon (Harvard professor & symbologist) and McKenna (Camerlengo in Roman Catholic church, an official of the Papal court):
McKenna: Do you believe in God, sir?
Langdon: Father, I simply believe that religion...
McKenna: I did not ask if you believe what man says about God, I asked if you believe in God.
Langdon: I'm an academic. My mind tells me I will never understand God.
McKenna: And your heart?
Langdon: Tells me I'm not meant to. Faith is a gift that I have yet to receive.
Faith is a gift? That's very interesting to hear. If so, I feel like I have received it but maybe a half way.
My religious friend claimed that faith was NOT a gift; simply some people are prone to be religious and some are not. Maybe so or maybe not. I have no idea what the truth... What I know is that probably I will never know all the truth because I believe God is INFINITE and there is no way our FINITE mind can understand infinite God... (hence I am agreeing with Langdon?!)
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