I went to the SAE World Congress today.
(SAE stands for Society of Automotive Engineers)
Our company had submitted some papers to this congress;
I have presented two papers before.
This year, we did not submit any paper, so I just went there to see other presentations.
Besides sessions which related to our products, I also went to hear presentations regarding environmental issues today, and those were quite interesting (I did not tell my supervisor that I was also going for something not related to my job...)
They were about the design for remanufacturing/recycling and emissions trading. I learned so much and I realize that I need to learn more! Good thing is that the automotive industry is changing really. I felt that and I was glad to see this :)
2 コメント:
製薬業界だと、Serious Adverse Event の略なんだよねーー。
Automotive Engineers
あれれ、SAE、全然違う意味なのね、製薬業界だと。何で私がSerious Adverse Eventの事書いてんだ、と思った?
というわけで、もちろん車業界の話でした。Automotive Engineersがかっこいい、なんてちっとも思わないんだけど。。。
Serious Adverse Eventの方が、言葉が難しくって、すごい感じがするのは私だけ??