Some people have asked me why I am a vegetarian (actually semi-vegetarian), and I was not able to answer clearly before. Yes, it's a religious reason, but why my religion forbids us to eat meats (particularly beef and pork)?
The fellow devotees of my religious group had a same question and had an interesting discussion about it online. They showed the reason clearly (not only religious purpose but also a health issue). Some people may not agree with these reasons, but I was again convinced by them. So here are reasons why I am a vegetarian (not all are in my words).
1. Ahimsa (Non-harming, Non-injury)
Animals are beings too, so why do I want to cause harm to them? If I eat an animal, then I am causing their pain and death.
2. "Fear" chemicals
When animals are killed to eat, they die in fear. If you have ever been to a slaughter house, it is not pretty. Because emotions (fear) are chemicals they permeate the body of the dead animal. When we eat them, we ingest the fear. Fear begin the opposite of love, it is just more stuff to eliminate from our consciousness.
Which animals to kill or not to kill is still debatable. It's impossible not to kill any creatures. Without noticing, we are killing many "small" creatures, like ants or bugs. Occasionally I still eat fish. I was told that fish is not much aware (conscious) when being killed, opposed to cow/pig/chicken. I have to think about this issue deeper...
3. Foods vibrations affect the mental state
Every food has certain qualities attached to it. It has vibrations attached to it that affect the mental state of a particular man eating the food. Broadly they can be classified as
・Sattvic (consists of vegetables, fruits etc. - the best for spiritual development)
・Rajasic (like fried and spicy foods)
・Tamasic (alcohols, meat etc.)
So what you eat directly affects your mental evolution and way you think. If you eat Sattvic food you will be calm and have greater control over mind as opposed to Tamasic which leads to the mind getting agitated easily.
4. Digestion issue
Fresh fruits and vegetables can be fully digested and out of the system in 4 to 12 hours. However when meat is ingested, it is not digested. Meat has to rot once eaten, and it will take 4 to 7 days to make it out of your body. It's like different vehicles on the highway. Fruits are the fastest travelers, with meats driving like an over-sized load in the right lane. (from
Oprah's show)
5. Vegetarian diet fits me
Each person's metabolism is different, and there is no one diet that is right for everyone. Some people need meat to be healthy. Others are healthier without meat. I am definitely healthier and happier without meats :)