If somebody asks me “Are Americans conservative?”, I used to answer “No way!”. But now, my answer would be “Yes”.
I had a very interesting conversation with some foreigners recently. It was a group of people, American, Filipino, Pakistani and Indian, just talking about various subjects that night.
All of them have been to Europe many times; some of them lived there for a while. They were very familiar with European people, culture and societies. And all of them insisted that Americans were very conservative.

I was a bit stunned to hear that. I had a very different vision about American. In general, it seems like Americans are open-minded and liberal. They are not afraid of speaking of their mind in any occasion. Then I listened to them talking about European people (I've been to Europe many times but I cannot say I know them well...) and I was convinced that Americans are, as a matter of fact, conservative.
For example, regarding nudity. In Europe, you may find naked people at the hotel pool or at the beach. It does not make a big scene as you imagine. Or, there is a pornographic program on TV, which I do not think it’s appropriate, but they run!

Or, they really voice their opinions strongly that the government is actually afraid of citizens (<-France).
There is no porno on standard cable TV in US. How about Japan? well, I was pointed out that there won't be any porno but some stuff are very risqué on Japanese TV programs (the guy who claimed that has been to Japan 4 times in the past) So that makes US more conservative than Japan!
Surprise? but probably that is correct. I remember discussing about "infidelity" with American friends before. Infidelity is somewhat accepted in Japan (unfortunately, and I really don't understand why...), but there is not in US. If either one, husband or wife, BF or GF, cheats, that is the end of their marriage or relationship. Cheating is one of the worst sins in this country.
It is because Americans are much more religious than other nationalities, I think. Majority of people go to a church every Sunday, regardless of how serious they are. It is a historical fact that people who came to US hundreds years ago were Puritans. Somehow, religious activities/traditions and religion itself faded in Europe, but survived in US.
This discussion with foreigners was certainly a very interesting one