

I finally watched the documentary film "Religulous". The title "Religulous" is a made-up word: Religion+Ridiculous=Religulous. mrgreen

The film is about one atheist's (comedian, Bill Maher) journey to seek the truth about human and faith. He claims that religion is the obstruction to human nature's freedom and advance (<- very bold to say this!), yet he still wonders why people believe what they believe. So he embarks on this inquiry, had numerous interviews with various religious people, Catholics, Muslims, Jews and others... to seek what faith is all about. This is a serious documentary, but somehow it was entertaining to me.smile After all, Bill Maher is a comedian!!! I must say, even though he was a bit disrespectful toward certain people, I was impressed by his natural talent to make people laugh at the end. Also, I can really understand why he made this documentary, the questions he has, is faith good? do we really need it? what does faith do to our lives? I asked these same questions as wellrolleyes

Just like Bill Maher, I myself have talked to many people, some are very religious, and some are not. Throughout my journey, I've changed from "agnostic" to "non-atheist"; I believe I have found some truth about faith, but who knows?? What I believe might not be true after all.nigawarai My conclusion, no matter what I believe or what others believe, as long as it's benefiting own life, then maybe that's all good enoughstar

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