
"Skid Row"

Documentary description:
“Skid Row” is a 50-square block area in downtown Los Angeles where an average of 90,000 homeless and transient people live on any given night. More than just a place - it’s a way of life, a mind set, the last resort for those who have given up on society and, in many cases, themselves. In the feature documentary SKID ROW, Pras Michel - one third of the successful hip-hop band The Fugees - lives on the streets of Skid Row for nine straight days and nights as a homeless person. The entire time he and his crew are undercover, using surveillance cameras. His journey is a difficult one, riddled with hunger, exposure to the elements, criminals, drugs and danger. It is also life-changing...as Pras learns not only how to fend for himself, but discovers the dark, very human and, at times, humorous underbelly of Los Angeles.

This documentary was an eye-opening to me. I've been to LA twice, stayed in downtown and walked around while I was there. I never knew about Skid Row, which was only a several blocks away from where I've been to!!
There are more than 10000 homeless people living in Skid Row. Drag addicts, ones who lost a job, and others.. how they are living on a street is really awful. It may be their fault to end up there, but some had no choice(losing jobs and all). This is a very serious problem in US. Homeless people become dehumanized there. Literally.

4 コメント:

endunham さんのコメント...

私もLAダウンタウンに滞在したことあり、リトル東京を中心に散歩したことありますが、このSkid Rowには気づきもしませんでした。


Lothlorien(ローリエン) さんのコメント...


endunham さんのコメント...







Lothlorien(ローリエン) さんのコメント...

そうなんですよ~、結構ドキュメンタリーって無料で見れてしまうことが多いです。今まではGoogle VideoとかYoutubeでみてたのですが、最近このsnagfilms.comというのを見つけました。ただこのサイト、CMでお金が入ってくるようになっているので、10分おきくらいにCMがあって、それが結構うざいです。でも画質はYoutubeとかに比べて断然いいですが。。。

Food,Inc.、私も見たいと思っています!まだ出たばかりですよね?デトロイトではちょうど今週末からです。これ関係に興味があるのであれば、実はお薦めのドキュメンタリがあるんですよ。"The World According to Monsanto"と"The Future of Food".2つ目はsnagfilmsで見れます。1つ目はYoutubeかGoogleで見ました。(スミマセン、勝手に薦めてしまって)
