
Obama's disappointing pick

Obama's inauguration will be in 2 days. Everybody is excited for this historical dayclover Everybody is ready for a new beginning. But I have to bring this up now because I was informed recently that Obama's pick for the Secretary of Agriculture was such a big disappointment. sad

He picked the former Iowa Governor, Tom Vilsack, who is a big supporter of GMO (genetically modified organisms) and biofuels. How aweful... this means we will keep consuming dangerous GMOs instead of getting rid of them! How could Obama do this to us??

Here is the comment by Ronnie Cummins, Executive Director of Organic Consumers Association.

"Vilsack's nomination sends the message that dangerous, untested, unlabeled genetically engineered crops will be the norm in the Obama Administration".

"Obama's choice for Secretary of Agriculture points to the continuation of agribusiness as usual, the failed policies of chemical- and energy-intensive, genetically engineered industrial agriculture".

"Americans were promised ‘change,’ not just another shill for Monsanto and corporate agribusiness. Considering the challenges we collectively face as a nation, from climate change and rising energy costs to food insecurity, we need an administration that moves beyond ‘business as usual’ to fundamental change—before it’s too late”.

What a disappointment...

Here is the article:
Obama - Vilsack Not "Change We Can Believe In" Stop More Harm to Our FOOD...

and video:

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