
Socializing with people

It's been a long time since I spent time with my college friend, and I was very impressed how she was around the people once again. When I emailed her how much I admired her qualities, she responded to me and taught me something important.
She said
You can always find something in common with someone you've just met.
also said
You never know what you will learn.

How inspiring! I'm always (somewhat) closed around the people whom I felt very different from me. But I think my friend is right. There is always SOMETHING IN COMMON. Always something to talk about. Having a conversation with new people seemed very difficult to me before, but I am encouraged by my friend to notice something, anything!!

2 コメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

That's wonderful, Lothlorien! It's very nice that you have such friends you are inspired by and that you learn so much from!

Lothlorien(ローリエン) さんのコメント...

And you are one of them, Tamakichi!!!