
Mt. Takao

Mt. Takao is about 1 hour train ride from the center of Tokyo; probably one of the closest state park from the metropolis. Because of the great weather and the 3-day holiday weekend, the park was packed with so many families and hikersrazz

It was my first time visiting and I must say, I enjoyed it very much (except a crowd...mrgreen)
It's possible to hike from the bottom, but we chose to take the cable car then we walked to the top. There was a temple in the middle too; I especially liked the small altar in the cavesmile

I loved to go back again but maybe not on a holiday weekend...

2 コメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

I think I live not too far from Mt. Takao, yet I have never visited this place just yet. I want to visit there one of these days...seems like it was a great day for hiking ;) It must feel much more relaxing when it's not so crowded...ne. Great that you and your dad got to go there together though. He must really enjoyed hiking and such time with his daughter :)

Lothlorien(ローリエン) さんのコメント...

Tamakichi, Mt. Takao was really great. I liked it except the crowd... I love to go there again with my dad!