
Fast Food Nation

"Fast Food Nation" is a book about the truth of the fast food industry in America. I read this book about 3 yrs ago; and I was shocked and horrified by the contents.

The movie was also made recently based on this book and I just watched it. The movie itself was not that great. It is telling a basic idea, but it does not go anywhere, pieces of stories were combined poorly and I was a bit disappointed. But anyway, at least people would find some truth about the fast food and that's important (in my opinion).

Fast food is really a part of american lives. It's cheap; it's quick; kids love them too. But does anyone really know what's in it? That's how the author, Eric Schlosser, began his research. And his findings would horrify anyone who reads his book. That good smell and taste of burgers and fries, they are all chemicals, which were created in the lab! So no matter how much craps were in the burger meat, once those chemicals were added, people will believe that they are eating a good burger. The truth is, one burger pate contains pieces from over 1000 different cows plus their manure. That is sooooo disgusting, but I'm not kidding! It just happens because of the poor working condition at the meatpacking plant. And cows are raised in a tiny place, really packed, no sun light, factory farm. They get sick easily, so they are pumped with hormones and antibiotics. Mad cow disease occurs because slaughterhouses feed cows with scrap meets. And FDA still make that practice legal! (only 1 out of 10000 cows are tested) Farms have changed because they focus on the profit, no focus on the health of their cows or OUR health!

This is just a little example. The book goes much in depth and describes how american diet, economy, landscape, and culture were influenced by this industry. The documentary, "Supersize Me" showed us how terrible the fast food could be on human body. It was a great documentary and I strongly recommend everyone to watch it!

At the end, what I want to say is that we don't need to go to the fast food chain stores to eat burgers or fries. In the older days, we used to cook at home. Just because going to the fast food is easier, we shouldn't because we are putting our health at risk. And think of those poor cows or chickens or pigs, they are poorly treated and slaughtered. I'm not saying that we all have to be a vegetarian like me. I chose to be one; I do not force others to be one. But I just want everyone to be aware of where meats are coming from. "All meats sold at the stores will be fine. Everyone eats it". This is just an excuse. That will encourage all corporates to go even worse (I don't know how current situation can get worse because it is pretty bad already..)

We are what we eat. We are not only that, but I think it's true. Otherwise America would not have an obesity problem like now...

Here are some short animations about the problem in factory farming. It's very short. Watch it and realize what is really going on!

1 コメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

just saw the movie version of Fast Food Nation, it's an impactful flick to say the least... earlier today i passed up a sausage mcmuffin because of it. Evidently it is worth passing up fast food for more than health reasons.