
"Sorry Charlie"

A new sandwich place is opening near the office and they brought some samples with a menu today at lunchtime. I did not eat any (no vegetarian one), but looked at their menu.

In that, I found a sandwich called "Sorry Charlie". It was a tuna sandwich. I did not get it why it was called that.

Then my colleague explained to me that there was a tv commercial for tuna, and the name of its mascot was "Charlie". So that's why it's called "Sorry Charlie"...

How cute is that!

You really need to know the american pop culture to understand this menu!! Well, I gained a bit more of the american culture today :)

2 コメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

OK, help me...I am little slow here...lol... A TV commercial had a mascot that named Charlie, right? And why does that become Sorry Charlie? Because we eat Charlie...?

Lothlorien(ローリエン) さんのコメント...

yes, the mascot was Charlie and because we eat it, it's "sorry charlie"... isn't it funny? I thought their naming was charming!