
Cursed Mondays

My Mondays are cursed lately...

2 weeks ago on Monday, my car did not start (needed a new battery).
1 week ago on Monday, my car did not start again (needed an engine tune-up).
Today, again Monday, a heating system at home stopped working.

3 weeks in a row!
What's up with that??

Thanks goodness that the temperature is not as low as last week.
And there are 2 ceramic heaters in a house.
They are small, but it works ok in a closed room.
But still, it's winter in Michigan!

I wonder what is going to happen next Monday...
(I would laugh it off if something really happened..)

2 コメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Oh, no! Next Monday is coming up in a few days, but I hope nothing happens this time and it'll be the end of this....chain of bad luck! I'd say you've had your share for the year 2007 already, man!

Lothlorien(ローリエン) さんのコメント...

Yes, tomorrow is Monday. I'm crossing my fingers...

I guess there is always some complaint about a house once you become a home-owner. So I cannot complain because it will be endless!?