
Deep Freeze

We are in deep freeze since last week..
It was -20C this morning, -30C with the wind!

What is the world of -30 like??
Well, the inside of the nose starts feezing, breezing gets hard, everything freezes there...
I bet the inside of the fridge is warmer than this?!

I just experienced those this morning because

Yes, Michigan is cold. Very cold sometimes.
I have no complain about it as long as:
1. the heating at home is working
2. no ice on a road
3. and I have no problem with my car..

The morning like this, I hate the weather!
But there is something holding me here.
Job?! yeah, that's one.
I also believe that I was led to this place somehow because
1. Detroit was the first foreign city I ever landed outside of Japan (when I was 16, went to Rochester, NY to stay there for a month).
2. While I was researching the graduate schools, as soon as I opened up the graduate program's web page from the Univ. of Michigan, I knew I wanted to go and study there. And I did.

I am happy to be a Michigander :) but I still hate that my car did not start!!!
(After many hours of tesing, the mechanic found that my car just needed an engine tune-up :))

2 コメント:

tamakichi さんのコメント...

Inside of the fridge is warmer than outside Michigan?! Godness! Well, I do remember feeling frozen when I visited you there a few years back, so I believe ya 100%. I think it's bad enough that my car window has thin ice on it in the morning, and you are talking about your car NOT RUNNING! That'll drive me nuts. I am so taking it for granted, Yogini! Tomorrow morning when I am out scraping the ice on my car window, I'll think of you... Hope engine tune-up fixed your car problem and that your morning will be somewhat more pleasant one tomorrow!

One more day till the weekend :)

Lothlorien(ローリエン) さんのコメント...

My car is running ok now :)
Well, you do not have to worry about your car NOT RUNNING or STARTING at all, I think. In Japan, there is the inspection(車検), and they will catch most problems if any. Here, there is no inspection. Each owner is responsible for own car. I just did not know that the engine needs a tune-up after several years.
Whenever I'm having problems at my house, or car, I learn so much each time. I get pissed off first, but I appreciate the challenge!