
Resolution 2007

Yes, I decided! My friends would not believe that I am blogging now!!
Here is the conversation that I had with my co-worker, who is also an engineer and happened to be from the same school as me:

Me: "Do you understand why people do blogging?"
Friend: "No, not at all. I think it's a waste of time. Besides, why do they want to disclose their lives and feelings to the total strangers?"
Me: "I know. I'd never do that. That's embarrassing..."

That was only a several weeks ago, and here I am. Blogging!!!
I decided because there is something that I wanted to overcome, how to be able to voice my opinions and express my feelings to others without hesitation?
I have hard time recognizing my feelings/thoughts sometimes.
And that is no good here in US. People need to hear what you are thinking!
Being quiet is ok in Japan because people imply them and understand very well without any spoken words! Well, if you try that here, it won't work.
I know it because I was doing that quietly :)
Of course I am no telepathic.. and neither were they.. alas..

So I made this blog, to practice that. I am not hoping that bunch of total strangers reading this, but I suppose it will not hurt me either :)

2 コメント:

tamakichi さんのコメント...

Don't say never, huh? I had to giggle while I was reading your first entry :) and of course I also couldn't help but to congratulate you on the new challenge you took on! Gooood luck to you in your venture of finding your voices! Verifying your true feelings by spelling them out is definetely one way to do it :) Welcome to the blog world, Yogini!

Lothlorien(ローリエン) さんのコメント...

Thanks Tamakichi!!
Your comment was the very first one! I was very excited.

And thanks always for your support and encouragement...