
Politics & Global Warming

Former Vice President Al Gore testified at hearings yesterday in both the House and the Senate and presented the 10 legislative recommendations on global warming.

I saw some news last night about it, and in the newscast, two people (I don't know who they were, but clearly one was totally against Gore and the other was Gore supporter) were having a very heated argument, that I did not understand well because their voices were overlapping each other's. It was very clear that one person was calling Mr. Gore a hypocrite and a liar. I also read some news online today about the hearings; there, I found that a few Republicans were totally against Gore. One of them even said that the global warming is the "biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people".

Are those few Republicans blind and deaf? How much scientific data do they need? Most mainstream scientists acknowledge that the main cause of global warming is the increased level of greenhouse gases due to human activity. All scientific data is right in front of us and still some people decide to ignore the facts, telling themselves that this is all natural. I didn't get that at all. It is so simple what we must do now.

Some opponents argued that the U.S. should impose mandatory controls on greenhouse gases only if China, India etc agree to do the same (China is the second largest country which emit greenhouse gases, next to the U.S.). To that, Gore answered, “The best way and the only way to get China and India on board is for the U.S. to demonstrate real leadership”. I agree 100% with Al Gore. What kind of excuse is that? We won’t do anything because others won’t either? The U.S. is losing some power since the war, but still it is one of leading countries in the world. What they have to do is to step up and lead other countries on the issue of global warming as well!!!

Good news is that Gore was praised by many Democrats; which is a good sign that the Congress may pass some legislation for decreases in greenhouse gases. The U.S. is one of two countries which has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol ('because of Bush!", my friend insists), so having some kind of legislation on global warming in this country is very important. I'm doing what I can do, and so are many people. Each individual activity will help stopping a global warming in some way, but it will be a bigger effect if the U.S. as a country decides to commit!! I cannot wait to see how this country is going to deal with this issue in a near future!

2 コメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

The great thing is that some polititians are actually addressing this issue over there. The bad thing is that some people have to see it to believe it. I'd say, send them to Maldives where islands are getting smaller (like 10cm / yr) and their landscape and ocean tide changes are severely affecting creatures in the ocean. I'm like you, I hate that kind of stupid excuse "but others aren't doing it either"--I am like "and it doesn't matter what others do!! What do YOU do?--that's what matters." I get frustrated with these closed mind people who lack in imagination and interpretation ability completely and who seem to also lack sense of responsibility... I have to keep on focusing on what we have been doing and will be doing, and keep on believing we can stop the global warming!

Lothlorien(ローリエン) さんのコメント...

Yes, it is bad that some people need to see it to believe it. Closed minded... I am frustrated as well, and I feel sorry for them too. I hope it won't be too late for us to save our planet. I believe we can do it!!