
Spray Paint

There is this TO DO list; and I have been postponing the stuff I wanted to do... Now the weather is changing and it's getting cold every day! So before it gets too cold to do anything, on this weekend, I did work on some painting! For the first time, I used "spray paint". It's easy to use, no preparation..

Spray paint is not for a wall or something big, but good for smaller items. The things I painted were the radiator, frames and stand. The finish was pretty good and I'm very happy with the resultsanimated_heart



2 コメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Beautifully done, Lothlorien! That's why I call you a superwoman, hihihi.

I see that the color of your wall is purplish and perfect for you :) Did you paint this gold frame (gold, right?)? I love the color! White one at the bottom is the radiator, right? What a difference from the 2nd pict!

Lothlorien(ローリエン) さんのコメント...

Thanks Tamakichi! It was quite easy, but some of stuff we had to do it inside and the smell wasn't pleasing... anyway, i'm glad I'm done with this thing. Because there are more coming!