

The Michael Moore film is always somewhat controversial. I did not like this documentary film director in the beginning, and I'm not sure even now that I liked his personality and how he does things, but I admire his works time to time.

His new project, SiCKO, is about the corrupted American health care system. After watching this film, my first thought was "oh my god, I will be in a big trouble if something happens to me here. What am I gonna do then?"

The film was very informative to me. Lots of stuff that I really did not know about. I did not know the 20% of Americans have no health insurance because they cannot afford it. The US is the only country among developed nations which does not have any universal healthcare system. That’s pathetic…

Even though the rest of the Americans have the insurance, we are doomed. The payment from the insurance company could be denied in many occasions, because the insurance company is all about the profits. The medical reviewers (doctors) who work for the insurance company are encouraged to deny the payments as much as possible. The more denial letters they write, the more bonuses they get! How ridiculous!

So many Americans end up not being able to pay the medical bills, they bankrupt, and they lose everything. Even with the health insurance, they cannot afford the treatment. How sad is it? And how crazy?!

In the film, Moore shows other health care systems in Canada, France and England for comparison. Their systems are publicly funded mostly. Either the treatment is free or with a small fee.

How come America does not have that kind of system? I thought I was living in a great country. Many people come to America to fulfill their dreams. But regarding the healthcare system, this country sucks. Really sucks.

The film did not show how other countries have better health care systems than America. I suppose their systems are funded by taxation mostly. US has a lower tax rate than many European nations, which are around 50%. I was happy that I was not living in those countries, but…

I believe that the health and education are one of the basic needs for human beings and the government should take care of it. It does not have to be 100% free, but at least, every single resident should be covered so it won’t be a burden.

In my own eyes, I’ve seen my friend not being able to treat the ill condition because of this. It truly is heartbroken to see that…

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