
GreenCurrents - A Renewable Energy Option

I received an email from the electricity company today. They are starting a program called "GreenCurrents", which invests in renewable energy, such as wind, solar, biomass instead of fossil fuel to generate electricity.

The participation is voluntary. The participated customers pay extra money each month; those money will cause electricity to be generated from cleaner sources. If more customers participate, that will help sustaining our environment better!

A while ago, I read an article in the newspaper, the story was about a lady who was paying extra $6 each month for the electricity. When I read it then, I thought "why does she want to pay additional $6? who knows what an electricity company is doing that extra money?". I thought that was a stupid thing to do. But back then, I did not understand the whole purpose of this program. After that, I found that my electricity company is starting a same program here in Michigan. I read all FAQs and understood how important for everyone to get involved!

Participating a program won't be a burden, I think. The customer can start with only $2.50 a month!! That's actually cheaper than a Starbucks coffee!

So skip a cup of coffee once a month, and let's participate to help clean our air!

2 コメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

It's definitely worth paying that extra $2.50! I think there are lots of people who won't mind paying the little extra, when it comes to saving earth, helping starved, or whatever else that help others (or ourselves) in need.

Great program you found that you can easily take a part in, Lothlorien!

Lothlorien(ローリエン) さんのコメント...

I hope that other people feel the same way as you do... because we need to do something now!