
State-of-the-art rice cooker

My co-worker showed me the article from Wall Street Journal, "Making Perfect Rice The Japanese Way Can Cost Big Bucks".

It introduced the new state-of-the-art rice cooker from Toshiba, which cost $830!!!

My initial thought, "Who would spend $1000 for a rice cooker? Definitely not me!"

Then as I read along, I started understanding the Japanese obsession of perfect rice. Just to prove how crazy we are, look at the name of the rice brand, such as "Love in First Sight". What a fancy name! We would never find anything like that in the American market.

After all, Japanese eat rice every day, more than once a day for a typical person. So spending so much money might not be so crazy. Rice is not just a rice, but it's a part of dish for japanese people...

As for me, I rarely eat rice since I moved to the US. In the beginning, I did not have a rice cooker. Then I got used to "not eating rice". Then since a several years ago, besides rice, I started eating millets, quinoa, or other grains, which are much more nutritious than regular rice.

If I could buy this $830 rice cooker and supreme rice, then maybe I might eat a rice more regularly. But for now, of course I cannot spend such money. So my days with millets and quinoa will still continue...

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