
Politics and Religion

I saw the news about the presidential race this morning, that one of candidates from Massachusetts who is a Mormon, apologized for criticizing polygamy (polygamy was practiced by Mormon ancestors and there are still some who practice that even now).

It's so interesting that the politics and religion are intertwining very closely in America. Besides moral issues, candidates are questioned about their own religion; or they openly talk about God, the Creation, and other religious stuff. And I believe that they are judged by their belief as well.

From the fact that most of Americans call themselves Christians (no matter how deep their faith is), I suspect that there is no way that any candidates who are non-Christians (Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim etc) would win the presidential election.

This morning's newscast stated that there is absolutely no chance for atheists! That's a discrimination? but understandable since majority of people believe in God and believe that God created this world.

I'm sure their religion won't be the first factor that Americans make a decision by, but it won't be neglected at all. Religious discussions are very sensitive in many occasions. It must be very tough to be a politician in America...

I wonder being in politics in Japan is easier because there is no "religious" issue at all over there..

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